We Say Goodbye

All of the pups are safely off in their hands of their adopters. It was wonderful getting to meet everyone and the joy and complete love I saw on their faces as I handed off my babies reminds me why I do this, everyone deserves joy like that! Goodbye my darlings, thank you for being such an amazing litter who I won’t soon forget!

Last Day

Today, the day before they leave is always the hardest. On the actual day of their leaving I am too focused on the task at hand to think about, or allow the emotion to catch me, I am solely concerned with getting them to the vet safely, and then getting them off to their new families. Today however, though busy getting everything loaded into the car and ready for tomorrow, there is a lot of time to sit and think about it, to feel the emotional toll this is taking, to run through the last two months from the day I first brought them home to now. It hurts, it’s draining. I rarely talk about how I feel and how hard this process is on me because I don’t feel like focusing on it in my posts, nor making other feel sad on my behalf, but trust me when I say it’s real when my babies leave. Some people look at me strange when I don’t show the typical emotion as I hand them off to their new families, but for me I feel it would be selfish of me and wrong to do that to them, I am all they have ever known, they are bonded to me as I am to them, and me being upset in front of them would only stress them out because I, the person they know as their person is. I may not express it as I stand in front of you and hand them off, but believe me when I say the internal struggle is real. That final hug as I hand them off to their new owner, knowing it will likely be the last time I will ever see them again after having raised them from the youngest age, that rips my heart out. I get home at the end of the day and I barely have the emotional strength to go about even the simplest thing. I recover quickly, and before you know it I have another group to love on and the process repeats. Fostering is a lot of hellos and goodbyes, and it is never easy, but I make that choice to do this, because they are worth every bit of it.


7 Weeks Old

Happy 7 Weeks Old! Cannot believe in just a little over a week these guys will be off to new homes! They have grown up so fast, seems like yesterday they were little newborns in my hands, and now look at them! They have all grown into wonderful pups and I know they are going to make their new families extremely happy. For those wondering, momma Zelda is doing great and has 5 apps in, so won’t be long before she is adopted as well. The pups, so far all but Spooky and Candy have apps in, time will tell if those apps will work out or not, but the process is well underway. They went through a really bad fear period from 5 to 6 weeks old, then they just took off recently, gaining so much confidence! Yesterday they went for a stroller ride and were unfazed by all the sounds and sights, and they also spent some time running around the unfenced part of the yard, before they were almost too afraid to go out, this time it was almost impossible to keep them together because they were going everywhere, lol. They love their daily individual time and run around the house like wild, going into every room and exploring everything there is, they are all highly inquisitive. They have been a wonderful litter and I enjoy watching them learn and grow very much

Bella, 11.13lbs: Cuddly, playful girl who is a total people pup, and an extreme cuddle bug, she will press her head into you and sit very still while you pet her, soaking up every second of love! She has quite a bit of energy and loves to play.


Candy, 11.13lbs: Sweet, kind puppy who loves her people and is developing into a very mature girl, she is one of the best behaved pups and a very smart quicker learner. She has her playful side, but I think once she’s an adult, she will be a very level minded dog with just enough energy to be playful and up to going for adventures.


Casper, 12lbs: Friendly, mostly chill boy who loves to wiggle at everyone he sees and go with the flow of life, he has an amazing temperament, very level and good natured. He’s playful and silly, and loves his people.


Ghost, 10.5lbs: Silly, talkative boy who loves to play endlessly! He is so funny, loving to play tug of war and having bark wars with his siblings, he will go out of his way to get them riled up enough to play with him, lol! He’s outgoing and extremely inquisitive.


Jack, 10.11lbs: Sweet as pie and goofy as all get out! Oh how I love this boy! It’s no secret he’s my favorite, and I think he knows it too He’s a complete wiggle butt, sweet as everything and adores being held, cuddled, and cooed over. He loves to play and can for sure be talkative. His sweet and goofy personality makes for never ending fun!


Magic, 9.5lbs: I like to say she’s the best of both worlds, being both very sweet and calm, but also having energy and enjoying playtime. She loves to be held like a baby and is so sweet and gentle, then her other side is all full of feisty playful energy. She’s a very good girl and listens wonderfully.


Sabrina, 9.7lbs: She’s the lowest energy pup, and almost always very gentle and quiet. She is a bit more independent than some of her siblings, but for sure still loves her cuddle time and hanging with people. She has her playful side, but for the most part can be found sleeping on a lap.


Spooky, 11lbs: Silly as all get out and a ton of fun! She is the most talkative of the litter, she loves to carry on and tell you all the things, and is always the most vocal when playing. She has a lot of energy and loves to play endlessly with her siblings and her toys. She loves people, and once she calms, which can take some time, she will happily sleep on a lap.


Taffy, 9.10lbs: Sweet little firecracker! She got the terrier full force and is so determined and silly, she loves to play the tough guy, until she sees someone then she just melts! She is super playful and active, and loves to get zoomie.

PS, those eyes! 😍


A Bit Late

Sorry for being so MIA lately! Late with these, but here’s their 6 week photos! Everyone is doing well and we should be back to regular posts now that I am feeling better

Bella: 10lbs


Candy: 9.9lbsCandy

Casper: 10.2lbs


Ghost: 8.8lbs


Jack: 9lbs


Magic: 7.11lbs


Sabrina: 7.10lbs


Spooky: 8.14lbs


Taffy: 7.10lbs


5 Weeks Old

Happy 5 Weeks Old! Everyone is doing great, as is their momma! Hard to believe they will be weaned in just a week’s time, and in just three week’s time they will go to their new homes! Sorry for the lack of posts, been down with the flu for the last few days. Feeling a tad better, so hopefully be back to regular posts soon.

Bella: 8.5lbs


Candy: 7.10lbsCandy

Casper: 8.2lbs


Ghost: 6.13lbs


Sabrina: 6.9lbs


Jack: 7.4lbs


Magic: 6.5lbs


Spooky: 7.5lbs


Taffy: 6.4lbs


Big Moment

Yesterday I opened the dog door and begin helping the babies get in and out, starting the process of teaching them how to use it, and also taking them out regularly to go potty throughout the day. Yesterday evening they were all out playing in the kitchen, then Bella suddenly goes back into the puppy room, over to the door and starts whining and scratching at it, I help her out the dog door and sure enough, she gets into the grass and instantly pees and poops, comes back in afterward and continues playing! Couldn’t be more proud of my very smart 4 week olds! Never underestimate puppies and just how much they can learn at a young age!
