
Sorry for taking so long between updates, (and for not posting yesterday)! All has been well, the puppies continue to grow like crazy, they are growing up so fast. They were without mom for the first time overnight, when I called Mystic to put her in with the pups for the night she ran in other direction and tried to hide from me, so I knew it was time. The puppies did amazing and Mystic slept the night through in her crate, so all is well. I would have preferred her to stay with them at night for a bit longer, but she just wasn’t having it anymore.

The puppies have mastered the dog door and go outside to potty most of the time, they now only have paper down right in front of the dog door, but I know that will soon be able to be removed as well. They have finally mastered eating out of their big puppy bowls and while they eat well, they still prefer momma’s milk over the kibble, but I am sure they will come around. Mystic has begin weaning the puppies and nurses them much less than she used to, though she still does enjoy sleeping with them occasionally.

I have discovered one little uh, quirk with Mystic… She has a squirrel obsession to match any, for real this dog thinks about them just about constantly, and every time I take her out to potty she will stare at the nearest tree and I am convinced if I let her stay out that long, she would sit there all day just waiting. And heaven help everyone if she actually sees a squirrel, she tries to bolt, hits the end of her leash, then starts barking and whining like crazy, I have to pull her away which takes a some effort, then after getting back inside she will sit at the front door for hours hoping to catch a look at the creature… Ugh, I have never seen a dog with such a craze for something before. Oh, yes… She’s also an escape artist, at least when it comes to harnesses, I had her outside on her line, she saw a squirrel, went into a panic and backed right out of her harness, since then I haven’t been able to keep that harness on her for more than five seconds, I have managed to keep her from getting loose by attaching her to a snug collar, but I always stand out there because I am worried she might end up choking herself if she tries to take off, thankfully nothing has happened so far, but if anyone has any harness suggestions, please let me know! Okay, so I guess this kind of turned into a vent, please forgive me for that, just needed to rant to someone, even with her quirks, I still love this dog and am in no way mad at her, she’s just who she is.

Okay, I feel better now, lets move onto the pictures!


Fun Friday-

It’s amazing how it can seem like something has been with you forever, (in a good way of course!) when it’s only been a week & a half. Mom and pups have fit right in with the flow of everything in my household, Mystic is such an easy going dog and very loving.

2017 Apr, 26 - Misty keeping watch
Misty keeping watch

I am feeling a bit stressed right now since the puppies are currently dealing with a bit of diarrhea, (we believe it to be worm related and are beginning treatment today) everyone is still playful, hydrated, and normal, but it still worries me since puppies can go down hill fast in this situation. Hopefully another worming will take care of their problem. I am confident they will be just fine.


The puppies have taken quite a liking to Mystic’s crate, which is awesome because it is training them early to love being in a crate. I have also added a crate to their area and they sleep in it a lot. They seem to grow by the hour, and get more active by the minute! They are such silly and wonderful puppies, truly a joy to have as is their mom. Some out take photos from their three week photo shoot below because who doesn’t love cute puppies! 😉 Please forgive me for the short post, I am exhausted.

2017 May, 2 - Week 3 - Denver take 2

2017 May, 2 - Week 3 - Wilton take 2

2017 May, 2 - Week 3 - Kirby take 2

2017 May, 2 - Week 3 - Denver take 3

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!

3 Weeks Old

Sorry for the lack of posting over the last few days. Had a nasty storm come through Friday night which caused a tree fall on the internet/phone line and it snapped it, also had a tree fall on, and flatten my neighbor’s car, (thankfully everyone is alright).

Everyone has been doing great! Misty has settled well into the routine and is such a good girl, she is completely house trained and has made peace with the family’s cats so she has the run of the house during the day. She is such a smart girl and is learning basic manners quickly.


The pups are very much on the move now, and boy are they huge! The largest, (Kirby) now weighs in at just under 6lbs at 3 weeks old! They have learned to potty in their area and are hitting the paper 99% of the time now, which is great. Each day they get more and more active and playful. Everyone is walking around quite well and are comfortable being held, oh yes, and they have started mobbing when they hear our voices, lol. They are such little loves and they seek out people every time. They are great little bundles of joy.

With further ado, here is the puppies week 3 photos, Enjoy! 🙂


Fun Friday- Pupdate Time!

All has been going well over the last three days. Misty continues to adjust to her new life, it’s obvious she wasn’t inside much if at all before now because she paces a lot and seems to enjoy being outside, but given everything, she is settling with inside life well. She is often on alert and is still learning she can trust us, but I am happy to say she trusts us more each and what she did yesterday proves she is learning quickly; I was outside with her, (she still occasionally panics on leash so I do not leave her outside alone right now) she came over to where I was sitting, went into a play bow, then got zoomie! I got her a rope toy and she started acting like a puppy, bounding on top of the toy, picking it up, then running around and throwing it in the air, it was truly an amazing moment to behold, (figures it was also the one time I didn’t have my camera!). She is getting much better on leash as well and rarely has a problem now.

Misty is starting to spend more time away from the pups now that their teeth are coming in and she has stopped cleaning up after them, so needless to say there can be quite a mess in the mornings!

2017 Apr, 26 - Together - 2w1d

The puppies are fat as can be and growing very quickly, all are up and walking, though April is still a bit wobbly. Their teeth are coming in and they are all playing with each other when they are awake. They are learning the concept of where to potty and while they don’t always make it to the paper, they almost always have at least one foot on it, so they are trying! They are such sweet puppies, and are starting to interact with us more, which of course is overwhelmingly cute. 😉

2017 Apr, 25 - Kirby - 2 Weeks - First Day

Have a great weekend all!

A Special Wednesday

I know normally this is Wordless Wednesday, but since I wasn’t able to get their individual photos yesterday, I figured I would share the ones I just took and give you all their names. Just means it’s a special Wednesday, right? 🙂

The first day went well and everyone did great overnight. Momma Misty spent most of the first day sleeping with her puppies, with a bit of exploring the house mixed in, she seems to be naturally geared toward fearful submissive behavior right now, her confidence will hopefully improve as I work with her, but I do believe she will always have a somewhat submissive personality. She is extremely sensitive and craves human contact, always looking for ways to please. She’s a great mom to her puppies and very attentive to their needs.

2017 Apr, 26 - Misty

The pups are doing great as well, eating, sleeping and beginning to play. Potty training has begun as well and two have already gone to the area to pee, so a great start! They are pudgy little things with the largest weighing just under four pounds! Lots of puppy snuggling going on for sure. 😉

So without further ado, I would like to officially introduce this beautiful litter.

Both boys. On the left we have Wilton wearing the Red, White & Blue collar, his personality hasn’t blossomed yet but I think he will be a playful pup. On the right we have Wesley wearing yellow, again, his personality is still coming through, but he seems to be more on the quiet side right now.

Both boys again. On the left we have Max, he is wearing a blue collar even though you can’t see it, he’s a very calm boy, sleeping most of the time. On the right is Kirby wearing red, he is very vocal already, going to be quite the talker.

On the left is Denver wearing orange, he is the biggest pup currently and so adorably funny, he has a great little personality already. On the right is the only girl in the litter and the smallest pup right now. April has adorable markings and seems like a calm little one so far.


The wait is officially over- Please welcome, Mystic, (Misty for short) and the Spring Puppies! These six, (5 boys and 1 girl) pups are two weeks old, but boy are they big already! Momma has been taking very good care of them for sure. Mom and the pups were taken in by a kind lady, but she soon realized she didn’t have enough time to properly raise a litter and work, so she reached out to the pound for help. Great news for momma Misty is she has a home waiting for her with her finder after the pups are weaned. Misty is best guess a Boxer/Pit mix and young at around 1-1.5 years old, she is a super sweet girl so far, but lacks confidence so we will have to work on building that up. The pups are adorable, very roly-poly, their eyes and ears are just opening and they are starting to walk around. Looking forward to the adventures ahead!


Individual photos with their names, and more updates coming in the near future, so stay tuned! 😀